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Writer's pictureKatie Jerath

Katie's TBR Pile - June 2016

Live from my reading chair: June's To-Be-Read (TBR) Pile!

Happy June, dear readers! Texas has had some crazy weather so far this year. As I type this, instead of being sunny and hot, as it normally is this time of year, it's stormy and humid. While I sure do miss the sunshine, and wish I could be water tubing in New Braunfels, gloomy weather always seems like perfect reading weather, doesn't it? And boy, do I have some good books to read this month!

First up...

This is Sarah's newest series, after her Throne of Glass series, which I absolutely loved! I've been really excited for this one, as it features another strong heroine, this time living on the border of the mortal world and the faerie world. I've long been a fan of faerie-related stories, and almost all of my favorite book bloggers love this series (Christina at A Reader of Fictions, I'm looking at you!), calling it "dark and sexy," which makes me even more excited to dive in.

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Yes, this is my first time reading this classic, and yes, it's a shame. I'm surprised this was not required reading in school. I finally went out and bought my own copy, and decided that it's better late than never to read this Pulitzer Prize winning gem. My beautiful bookish friend, Punya, told me that Atticus is her favorite (fictional) father ever. Who is your favorite character in TKaM? Have you, like me, still not read this book?

Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger

This paranormal-thriller-horror tome was sent to me by the generous folks at Simon & Schuster/Touchstone. I don't usually read books that feature ghosts or psychics, but I've been itching for a truly good, spine-thrilling read, so I'm hoping Ink and Bone will fit the bill. It helps that there's a missing persons investigation at the heart of the novel, so with my lifelong fascination into the psyche of our darker natures, it's sure to be an interesting read at the very least.

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

My husband surprised me with a beautiful leather-bound boxed set of the first five books in the Game of Thrones series for Christmas. I was preparing to start the Spring semester at university, however, so was not able to appreciate them right away. Since the summer semester means a lighter load, I decided to make GoT my continuous read, alongside the others that I'll read throughout June and the rest of the summer. These are thick, densely-written tomes, so I don't expect to finish the series anytime soon... In the meantime, though, I do watch the series and am head-over-heels for Jon Snow and Summer the Direwolf! Who is your favorite character?

What will YOU be reading this June, dear reader? I'd love to get your recommendations for July's TBR pile. Please leave a comment below, with a link to your blog/GoodReads/Instagram/etc. so I can stop by and say hi!

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